Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I wish I had a more stable job... being on call isn't very fun! I haven't worked since last thursday? Hopefully they call soon! Or hopefully I can find another awesome paying job soon... haha... but I've been having fun watching Anna and Andrew :) CUTE-EEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night Jon and I went down to the evergreen beach for a little adventure.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Jumping into Jenny Lake

This was the third day on our fourth of July backpacking trip... haha the one who is screaming is one of my best friends (Steph) and next to her is my good friend Erika who is one crazy girl. The water was freezing cold - hence the screaming haha. But it was fun anyway!

Long time no see...

I finished my second year of school!!!!!!!!! Wooo!!! I managed (with help haha) to get a 3.9 each semester! Nursing program here I come. Well I don't feel like writing too much right now so I'm going to post some videos of the semester :)