Saturday, March 20, 2010

I am NOT giving up.

Lately, all my friends that I have been talking to are giving up on going into Nursing. They have been wanting to do nursing since I have known them, but it has been hard for them to get into a program. They are switching to other careers...which is totally cool if that is what they want to do but I AM NOT GIVING UP. I know that is what I am supposed to be doing and what I want to be doing. Its the best of both worlds - SCIENCE and getting to be around people all the if it was outdoors, it would be perfect. It is going to be hard. I am determined in this. I don't care how long it takes for me to get into a program, IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN! As they would say on Galaxy Quest - "NEVER SURRENDER, NEVER GIVE UP." haha

Not my teeth but they looked like these^^^

In other news I GOT MY WISDOM TEETH OUT!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I have heard many horror stories so I was a bit apprehensive walking to the dentist. Everything went great though! Thank you for your prayers, it worked :) I know God hears them that is for sure. My wonderful angel of a roommate Lyndee picked me up afterward and made me pudding :) Mmm I love pudding...but I sure do miss my vegetables...two days is too long to go without them. It has been hard for me to stay inside and stay in bed. That is the worst for me. I want to go run and get my homework done but my swollen mouth and cheeks tell me otherwise. IN TWO WEEKS I CAN TURN MY PAPERS IN!!!!!! OH YEAH.

Well I am going to go back to bed. I hope I don't get an infection or dry socket - please oh please oh please just heal well!


  1. That picture would have been sweet without the Does your mouth feel less crowded now? I'm glad that everything is falling into place for you to go on a mission. Sorry we'll miss you over spring break. But, then again..we always miss you!

  2. I remember when I got my wisdom teeth pulled. I was nervous too. Thankfully all went well... plus my mom was very nice and helpful during the recovery process! That's so exciting about your papers! I can't wait to see where you'll be called!
