Sunday, December 20, 2009


Things are pretty good these days :) I put my two weeks notice in a couple days ago at work. I am SO EXCITED to go back to school. I love the atmosphere there. I will be living with my friends Nikki and Rachelle from here in Olympia (because my old roomies are all either on missions or going to be!). Carriage House 208...incase you happen to be in town haha. This weekend was the Bricker Christmas party. It was pretty good, always nice to see everyone...haven't been on a road trip with Mom and Dad in a while but it wasn't too bad haha. Yay for family roadtrips.

Now it is time to pack. I promised Mom this year that I wouldn't leave her in a whirlwind with a trashed room this year haha. Usually I wait until the last minute and leave a bunch of crap behind... this year will be different :)

Today I was incharge of teaching Relief Society. Teaching is definitly something that is growing on me. I hated it before but now I enjoy it... not because I'm up their talking, but, because I get to ask the questions! haha.


  1. Hooray you are going back to Rexburg! Sara and I will be in American Manor so you should come visit us! Roommate reunion! Plus, we need to hang out with Mimi before she becomes an old married woman! Haha.

  2. I am excited for you. I wish we could have gone to the Bricker party, I love the gift exchanges. They're a riot. I love teaching relief society more than teaching primary. Is that crazy? Most people do not enjoy teaching r.s. I like thinking out the box. Have fun packing. Poor mom, the only girl again...... no guilt trip intended :)

  3. Danielle!!!!! Will do! What apartment? Roommate reunion for sure :) Qwebmann Nachos and mario cart perhaps? haha.

    Debbie Deb! You were the first one to leave Mom, it's all your fault!!! haha and that is why you are not her favorite daughter... and I'm leaving last so that doesn't make me her favorite daughter either... hahah. I agree about Relief Society! There are so many people with such great insights and experiences, I love learning from them.
