Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Three weeks down...

It is officially three weeks into the semester. I feel like I'm back in the school groove again :) Time flies while I'm here at school. Days go by so quickly - always doing homework or studying! Here is my daily schedule if you are really bored haha:

6:00am - Roll out of bed, put on my byui workout clothes and head to the gym (which is conveniently right across the street!)
7:30am - Go home, change, eat a GLUTEN free breakfast
8:00am - Walk to the Hart building and grab an empty couch and do some scripture study
8:45am - Head to the McKay library (where the comphy chairs are :)) and read my Pathophysiology book
11:30am - Go to Book of Mormon for Prospective Missionaries
1:00pm - Head to the newly remodeled dining area and eat my lunch (today I packed broccoli/cheddar/potato soup and carrots)... there was a jazz band playing while everyone ate, that was fun
1:30pm - back to the library for more homework/studying...probably Pathophysiology
3:15pm - either Advanced Writing or my Pathophysiology class
5:30pm - GO HOME! take my time and make some dinner, talk with my roommates :)
7:00pm - depending on the day we might have FHE or a bishop interview or go to the library for homework... or if I'm REALLY LUCKY and ahead in my classes - NIGHT SNOWBOARDING!
10:00pm - BED TIME!

Exciting life I lead? haha I love it, life is good. Getting up early and working out is one of the best things in the world!!!! I feel SO GOOD!

I got to go to my friend Erika's farewell last Sunday. She is going to be a great missionary. I am excited for her to go to Spokane! Speaking of which I have an appointment with my Bishop this Sunday so hopefully I can start working on my papers!!! Woop woop!

I miss little Anna and Andrew!!! Sarah you better not let them grow up too much before I come home. Oh and I got the CUTEST letter from Kylie the other day :D I LOVED it!!!!! A package will be on the way :) And I owe basically everyone a phone call - it will happen I promise!!!! Probably on Saturday or Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are going well. What a great schedule! Doing everything you should be and having fun, so important. Thanks for being such a great role model to the kids. Last Sunday, one of the kids said they didn't want to go to church and Chris said, "Don't you want to be like Mary?" She said, "Yes" and went to church. :)
