Sunday, October 4, 2009


General Conference was SO GOOD!!! I would just like to recap what President Monson has asked us to do:

-Pray for the opening of countries to the Gospel, that the hearts of their leaders may be softened
-By love, serve one another
-Be kind
-Read and study the conference messages when they come out in the Ensign

These are all simple things. I know that by listening and heeding what the Prophet has asked us to do that we will be so blessed. We will all become of "one heart and of one mind" (2 Nephi 1:21). Let's unite in following the Prophet - in following Christ.


  1. I loved his talk on serving others. At dinner now I ask the kids "What good did you do today and how did you help someone?" At first they were like, "Um, I smiled at someone", now they are starting to expect the question and are coming up with some good stuff.

  2. That's so cool Deb! Maybe I should get that going here!
